So me being
me, I completely misunderstood what the game plan for yesterday was. Thinking I
Outdoor Market |
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Kevin Being Goofy |
After a
quick pit stop at his wife's apartment, where I stayed in the taxi cause it was
pouring, we headed to H&M to do a little light shopping. In absolute heaven
to be shopping in the first place only turned into elation when I saw the
amazing sales that were happening. I hit the jackpot for professional clothes,
raking in two new jackets, a lacy dress, and two pairs of flats. We headed to
get a bite to eat before heading to the hotel where the event would take place.
Kevin had bought a new shirt as well and we both changed once we got to the event
location. We looked killer, to say the least. We also nailed yet another UMaine
presentation. We definitely convinced all of those kids to go there. Some guy
came to our table and was asking all sorts of questions about our school, come
to find out his son is still in middle school. Don't ask me why he is
starting to look at colleges, he should be more concerned if his kid is getting
beat up on the playground and not what scores he needs on his English entrance
So after the
event we rushed to catch the metro back to the train station. We made it just
in time and took our seats on the super fast train (yes, they call it that,
mainly because it really does go super fast). I konked out until we got back to
Shanghai and we caught a cab back to the hotel. I was feeling super sick after
eating really strange train station pork stir fry, so I called it a night,
showered, and crashed.
This morning
I got up at a reasonable time, around 8:30, and was pretty excited because I
had slept through the night! I got my butt into action, though, because I had
to pack everything up as well as make myself look presentable because today we
actually did have a free day to explore the city. I managed to finish up right
at 10 when we were all meeting in the lobby to check out and store our bags for
the day. We headed out and went to the other side of the river, the newer part
of the city, and we took a quick look at the river before heading out on our
first actual shopping excursion.
I was so
excited because I love love love to bargain with people, and I got to do just
that! We started
out on a pretty touristy street, but that is always the best
place to start because sometimes the storekeepers can speak a bit of English!!
The first lady was hilarious and definitely had an attitude. I got some
chopsticks, a couple little wallets, and definitely got overcharged, which is
to expected on the first purchase. After getting a solid warm up I was on my A
game as we moved from market to market. I got a significant portion of my
souvenir shopping done, or at least put a dent in it, as well as get two more
dresses at H&M!
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The Smog |
We stopped
about half way through the day and when we were supposed to eat some lunch we
stopped at this waffle stand, owned by a German, and got a waffle with bananas,
strawberries, Nutella, and wiped cream instead. Yummmm. We did end up stopping
for actual lunch about an hour later and ate until we literally couldn't eat
any more, per usual. About an hour after that we stopped for some Starbucks.
We headed
into this three story market, mostly for clothes, and it reminded me a lot of a
market we went to in India, actually, it was almost identical, with lots of the
stores offering to taylor make your clothes for you. Of course I was leaving in
only a few short hours so I opted to wait and just get a pre made one later on.
We didn't buy much there, just a few fans. After we made our final stop at
therapies behind our hotel where there were a lot more traditional buildings,
which was really neat, and I went ham on the fan
stalls. I also bought a traditional Chinese dress and it is gorgeous!! Tall collared, all white with
black flowers embroidered on it, it's lovely. The lady who sold it to me was
originally asking 600RMB, which is a hundred USD, which of course is way way
way too much. I offered her 100, which was as high as I was willing to go, and
she laughed in my face. I would have too if I were her but I have a process.
She was actually really nice and even was fanning me with my fan as I was
changing. Yes, I basically was naked in the middle of the store with a few
ladies holding up a sheet so no one in the street could see me changing, but
there were like five others walking around behind the sheet and definitely got
a few flashes of my sweaty butt. Oh well, sucks for them. So anyways, even
though she was really nice and funny, I wasn't willing to pay more than 150RMB max, so I walked away. Se offered me the dress for 250RMB, and I declined
again, this time not sure if I would be going back. A I was walking away
thought for the final time, she offered me 125, and I agreed on 120. I paid and
got shortchanged so I actually paid 130, but whatever, she could probably use the extra dollar fifty more than I could. We had to rush back to the hotel
because we had spent way too much time shopping and made it to the airport with
literally just enough time to run to get to our gate for boarding time. W indie
see a celebrity at the ticket counter though, a female singer who reminded me
of an Asian Justin Bieber with a gaggle of fans following her everywhere she
went. So we literally ran to
get our bags scanned and they made me open my bag
so they could search it. Apparently they thought my barrette was a shank or
something, but once they saw it was harmless they let me through. Janet and I
were both so hungry and almost hangry, so we took the chance and stopped to get
some noodles to go, only to find out that our flight was delayed. It currently
is still delayed, three hours after it was originally supposed to take off. Te
weather is bad in Beijing and apparently we are boarding in twenty minutes, but
who knows if we actually will. As much as I don't want to stay longer at the
airport, I'd rather be here than flying through crappy weather. I'm not sure
what tomorrow holds for us, I went a little cray cray deleting emails and
deleted my itinerary, oops! Well, we are actually boarding now so I guess I
will update when we get back to the hotel and then hit the hay because I'm sure
we will have yet another busy day tomorrow because we have the entire day
Wednesday off because we are going to the Great Wall!!
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The "Pants" Building in Beijing |
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Outside the Market |
So that was
a super uneventful flight, with the exception of lots of turbulence and the guy
next to me completely hogging my personal bubble. I don't like flying in
general, so I was having a hard time not panicking during the really turbulent
parts, but luckily we were on a big plane so that made it a little
better, plus
it was only a two hour flight. I really wish we were traveling by train more,
I'd much rather do that and even take a bit longer to get there rather than
taking a plane. Oh well.
It's Tuesday
now and I'm sitting at the office waiting for people to come talk to me about
UMaine. It's on the fifth floor of a building about a block away from the first
hotel we stayed at. It is set up so right when you walk in there are all of
flags of the countries represented by the agency and then it's a bit open room,
about the size of a small gymnasium, filled with small round tables where
agents are sitting waiting to talk with student who might be interested in
their programs. Janet and I got there a bit late, so we are sort of in the back
by the offices, and she has run to Starbucks because we are dying here with no
WiFi or book to read. There are actually two floors here now that I
am looking
around; the top enter is kind of what you see in a food court, with it just
rifling the second floor so you can see the tables above and look down to see
the tables below. I'm not exactly sure what we are even supposed to be doing
here, I'm assuming it is just waiting for people to come talk to us, which no
one does because we don't speak Mandarin. I'm super happy to be here, but I
feel like it might be more productive if they had hired someone who spoke the
native language. I mean, I think I'm a great UMaine rep and I can sell the
university to even the most staunch UMaine hater, but no one is going to come
talk with us if we can't understand each other! Oh well, I really can't
complain, I really do love being in China.
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Where the First Communist Meeting was Held |
So I guess
to kill time I will just blab on and on about what China is like. I am
constantly comparing it to India, which I really shouldn't be, but when you
spend so much time in a place and not that long ago it is hard not to compare
everything to it. I try to not voice a lot of it, because I know how annoying
that is when someone just goes on and on about their time abroad, but some of
the things I just can't help. It's nice, though, that Janet has studied abroad
too, in Nicaragua, so she talks about her time abroad a bit as well so it's not
too bad when I bring up India once in a while.
The first
thing is the lack of face masks present. I think I've seen about three the
entire time I've been here. Everyone who has been back from Maine told me I
neeeeeeded to get them and is neeeeeded to wear them all the time. Lies. I
haven't even felt the need to wear one once. I guess that's a good thing,
those pesky masks are takin up valuable Souvenir space in my suitcase!!! I will
be rid of them soon, though.
thing I find fascinating here is the smell, or lack thereof. With so many
people living in one place you would thing there would at least be a faint hint
of something nasty in the air, but I haven't smelled anything of the sorts so
far. Inside is also nice and I am not complaining, it just seems so strange for
me, especially since at least five times a day in India I would be gagging
while walking somewhere because the stench was so brutal.
There is
also no garbage anywhere to be seen. Yet another difference between India and
the cities in China. I'm not sure where they are putting it all, but it is
being taken care of. All of it too, there really aren't even wrappers in the
streets, it's amazing.
There are no
stray animals anywhere, either. I have seen one, yes one, stray dog. No one
walks their animals outside of their apartment complex, either. I don't really
understand this, though. I would test tilt if there were a bunch of strays that
might be rabid, but there are none. I think people just don't want to wander
very far so they stay close to home.
All the
women here are super models. I'm not even kidding. I have seen maybe three
overweight women, and they are all older. Every single girl is up to date with
the fashion trends and at least ninety percent of them wear heels, as in three
inch or higher heels, everywhere they go. It is unbelievable. I mean, I like to
wear heels too, don't get me wrong, but to commute to work? On the subway? A
airplane? It's a bit much. They do always look fabulous, though, and although I
don't think my fashion sense is bad, I certainly do have a lot to learn. Going
shopping here has helped a bit, at least for my professional wardrobe, although
I am having a hard time ditching my super comfy TOMS for a pair of not so comfy
flats for work. I'll have to work on that. So not only do they all wear heels
and are super fashionable, but they are all super pretty too. I mean, come
onnnnnnn people. Like, they are all
freakishly pretty. Is excellent people
watching here, though, I do admit. Even times like this where I have no WiFi or
book to read there is something to look at. I have a lot of time to think, too,
which is kind of nice, but kind of not if you are trying not to think about
things and then they just pop up in your head because there's nothing else to
Dress Shopping |
One of the
things I've been thinking about is what I really want to do with my future. I
know that I don't want to live in Orono forever, but if I could work for UMaine
forever I would not hate that. I want to see if the university is going to
create a sort of international admissions counselor to be a sort of a liaison
between the Blue Sky Project and the admissions department on campus. That
would be the perfect position for me especially because, especially now, I am
super qualified for it! We will see, though, I am going to see if I can get a
minute of the president's time to talk with him about it, or about what I
should do. I'm hoping they do keep me in the loop once I get back though,
because I am the first intern that has gone with StudyGroup, so I think I have
a pretty unique perspective!
Ok so back
to China. The food is unbelievable. Absolutely beyond delicious. And I love
using chopsticks! Everything is so savory or sweet and just so, so, so, sooooo
good. I've only tried maybe two things that I didn't care for, which is nice
because then I'm not so afraid to just point to random things to order on the
menu. One thing I just couldn't do, though, was jellyfish. It didn't taste
bad, but the texture was awefulllllllllll. It was so bad I couldn't even
swallow it, I had to spit it into my napkin. I was what I would imagine eating
a slimy, hard cartilage octopus tentacle. It. Was. Repulsive.
Everything else,
though, has been delicious. I am especially in love with the bubble tea here,
or milk tea, they call it. Actually, I am completely obsessed. Everyone here is
a really noisy eater too, slurping and shoveling food into their mouthes.
Actually, I really like this too because then I don't feel so bad being a bit
sloppy. And when I say shoveling, I literally mean holding the bowl to their
lips and shoveling the food in with chopsticks. Can't complain about that! It's
also ok to be mean and yell at your waiter, which of course I don't do because
I would feel super awkward. I mostly smile and nod, especially when people are
talking to me in Mandarin. I usually end up laughing at myself because I know
how stupid I look. Oh well, it is what it is I guess.
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On the Metro |
Aaaaaaand we
are back to eastern toilets, aka, a hole. It's really not that bad, in public
bathrooms it is way better because they are infinitely cleaner, and at the
hotels we have western toilets so its really win win all around. I learned my
lesson the hard way in India and now bring toilet paper with me everywhere so
just in case there is none I don't have to worry about it. There is also soap
and running water nearly everywhere we go too, which is amazing.
Not speaking
Mandarin, though, is quite a hassle, because literally no one on the street
speaks any
English and when people can it is extremely hard to understand. I
don't blame anyone here, it's completely my fault for not learning the language
before coming. Is actually funny how helpless I feel, if we didn't have Kevin
around to help translate it would be super difficult to get around. Janet and I
are on our own for lunch today, so we will see how that goes!
Dumpling |
Lunch went
swimmingly! We met this woman, her English name is Emily, who asked us if we
had lunch plans and we said no so she offered to take us out, so of course we
said yes because we had no idea where else to go. We were skeptical, though,
because of the tea scams going on in Beijing right now, where people offer to
go out with you and then overcharge you so they can keep the change, but it
turns out that she wanted to treat us to lunch! Being taken aback by our offer to pay, or rather, StudyGroup paid (because they
pay for all of our
food anyways), and she was very surprised. We ordered a few dishes but my
favorite was the beef stew, it had mushrooms in it and was so delicious, and
just a bit spicy. We talked about all sorts of things, mostly about our lives,
our universities, and our families. She said her English was poor but it was
actually really good, I was impressed! I stuffed my face and then we tried to
learn a few Mandarin words, to which Janet and I both did not really pick up,
and we headed out. We made a quick pit stop so Emily could show us the great
shopping market down the street and then we headed back to the office to get
back to "work." We noticed another non-Asian sitting a few tables
down so we went over to introduce ourselves, and it turns out she works for
StudyGroup as well! She's from England, got to Beijing a week ago, and is
leaving in two weeks, just like me! We exchanged contact info so hopefully when
Janet leaves I'll still have someone to hang out with.
Airport Dinner, Still Super Delicious |
Today, my life is just Shelby.
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