SUNNY OUT!! As in, actual sun and blue sky, it's SUCH a nice change, I missed
it so much. I
wasn't that surprised by the brightness out there this morning
when I woke up, when the weather says its going to e sunny it is usually bright,
but never blue sky. It was such a nice surprise to look up when I got outside
and to see blue! So it really stinks that I am cooped up in the office all day.
I'm hoping, though, that my friend Hashim texts me back so I can catch lunch
with him.
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Kevin Being Weird |
was beyond boring. I went into work at 10, left for lunch around 11:15, said
goodbye to Janet, headed back to work, and then left early because literally no
one would talk to me and I was just taking up a table, so I left and then laid
in bed until dinner time.
Sophie and I went to eat again and it was nice to just
relax there, we turned in pretty early though, but I stayed up late watching
music videos and just thinking. I was reluctant to get out of bed this morning,
I was remarkable tired and my digestion system has been on the fritz for almost
an entire week now, so that's getting kind of old. Anyways, I did drag myself
out of bed, made myself look semi-presentable in about fifteen minutes and then
headed downstairs to eat and check my phone. Kevin came to get me around nine,
drove me across the city to another office, and I sit here all alone again,
trying to kill time reading and blogging. Intern problems at its finest.
(the 3rd) is hot hot hot outside. Sunny again, though, with blue skies, I wish
I could be outdoors
enjoying it, but oh well at least it is shining through the
windows on me. Apparently it is really crappy weather back home, sucks to suck! I am sad, I have to say goodbye to
Kevin in a bit, I did after lunch but then he had to come with me because the
cab driver didn't know where he was going. Today I got to kill some time this
morning and video chat with Heather before I went to the StudyGroup office with
Kevin to go over all my expenses and then go out to lunch. We ordered my
favorite (sweet and sour chicken) as well as some Starbucks where Kevin also
ordered my favorite (caramel frap), and had a nice time relaxing and fending
off the heat. So here I am back at JJL (one of the offices) waiting for students to talk with me. Sophie should be here soon, though, so at least I'll have
company when Kevin leaves.
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Silk Worms |
Kevin left, which sucks, but at least Sophie and Pavel are here until I leave,
for the most part. So Pavel is from a country right outside of Russia and I can't
for the life of me remember which one, but he is pretty cool. I'm the oldest
one in our little trip, which is weird. So yesterday we bounced out of JJL and
went to change and then
headed into City Center. It was soooo hot out, but we
were bored to death and tired of sitting around and so we went exploring. After
about a half an hour of walking, maybe closer to an hour, we finally reached City
Center and it was so worth it, it was awesome!!! We went down all sorts of
crowd side streets and huge streets filled with sky scraper malls and shopping
plazas. The best part by far, tough, was the outdoor food market. They were
selling things from squid on a stick, silkworms, lizards, tarantulas, fried
bananas, fruit, and even scorpions! I, of course, had to try at least one weird
thing, so I picked a tarantula and a scorpion. I hated the tarantula, it was
way too salty and I think it was old cause there was no flavor, which is
disappointing because I've heard really good things about them. I also tried a
scorpion which was actually really tasty! I have videos and lots of photos of
each, so there is no end to the entertainment it provided us. Pavel tried the
scorpion too and liked it alright, although he had a different technique to
eating his, he just popped the whole thing in his mouth while I ate the legs
and claws first and then the body. He didn't like how the legs got stuck in his
teeth but I didn't have that problem by eating them one at a time. All in all
it was a great experience and neither of us got poisoned! We continued to
explore and decided to take the metro
home, which proved harder for us to find
than walking home would have been. We finally made it onto the crowded train
and headed home. About two stops away we experienced a true Chinese metro
experience with the crowd pushing us around. It didn't really bother
me at all, except Pavel almost didn't push his way off the train so we almost
missed our stop! We made it off just fine though and after a dinner of sushi we
turned in for the night. We were all so tired from walking around we just
crashed as soon as we got home.![]() |
Live Scorpions |
today (now the 4th) it is almost 100 degrees and humid out, so I am really not
looking forward to walking to work, even if it is only a block away. The skies
are blue again, though, so I suppose I shouldn't complain too much because it
could be rainy and moody wants that. I only have four more days here and I'm
hoping Orono is going to be sunny when I get back, if its not that is going to
be a huge bummer, but I'll be home and
with all my friends so it won't be too too terrible if it is a bit cruddy outside. Today I am headed back to JJL,
but only for a couple hours, then I assume that Sophie, Pavel,
and myself are going to go explore a park or something until dinner time. Same
goes for tomorrow. It is pretty much the same routine every day, which is
good and bad. I have all of Saturday off, which I sort of wish I didn't because
it really is too hot to go exploring outside during the afternoon and I am
going a little coo coo cooped up in the hotel, but Sunday I have a day trip to
Jinan so that will keep me busy. Then Monday I head out. I am going to miss the
food a lot, although I've gained so much weight here people back home probably
aren't going to recognize me!! It will also be a bummer to have to pay for
meals again, it's been nice to not have to worry about money here, although I
have spent am obscene amount on gifts for everyone back home. In retrospect I
probably shouldn't have, but there's so much cool stuff here that so many
people at home will love I couldn't resist. I made my budget for the rest of
the year today and it is really depressing, especially if I have to get a new
car, I will have zero wiggle room. Oh well, I have enough to get by and
that's all that matters.
with all my friends so it won't be too too terrible if it is a bit cruddy outside. Today I am headed back to JJL,
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About to Taste the Tarantula |
yesterday went just as predicted, went to work, sat there for two hours, I did
talk to one student for
about five minutes, then Sophie and I packed up and
headed to the silk market. W bought a few phone cases and I got my jade
elephant then we headed to meet Pavel for dinner. We went to Los Pradise again
and it did not disappoint. I got curry and rice, which I haven't had since it
made me deathly ill in India. It was really good, but after a few minutes I had
a hard time with it just because India ruined rice and curry for me basically
forever. But after dinner we split and headed back to our respective hotels. It
was too hot to do anything else.
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Scorpion Tasting |
(now the 5th), I have literally not been any use to the world. I slept in, went
to breakfast, used the WiFi, did some an workout because I'm getting so fat,
and now I'm sitting in Starbucks with Sophie using the free WiFi and trying to
avoid the blistering heat outside. I really don't have much to do today, I need
to go back to the silk market to exchange the pink phone case because I don't
like it and I think I might get an American flag or bald eagle phone case or
something funny like that. Ironic since I'm in China. I think it'd be funny to
put on my case for the wedding, I know Chris would think it was hilarious. But yes, yet another super unproductive day. By tomorrow Sophie and I are headed to
the forbidden city, so that should be a good time!
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Squid |
I went to see if I could get that bald eagle phone case for 10, and the lady
totally did not go for it. Maybe I can get it for 15, but I can't justify
spending much more than that on something I don't really need. Oh well. So I'm
at JJL now, sitting here with my banner.
I wish they would advertise us being here more, then maybe people would
actually come.
killing time at Starbucks I did end up going to JJL for a bit, but left around 3. Sophie and I met up a bit
after that and headed back again to the silk market, cutting through the subway
market without getting the case. Seems like we spend our whole trip shopping,
but we really don't, we mainly just love to people watch and the silk market is
air conditioned so it is the perfect spot to people watch and not sweat to
death. So we walked around for a bit and then headed up to the sixth floor to
get some dinner. We had hotpot for dinner, which was the most amazing thing
ever. Basically everyone gets their own pot with water in it and their own hot
plate. The counter is cut so the pot and hot plate rest in it so it can't be
knocked over. You then order whatever you want to boil, like engines, seaweed,
meat, etc, and then you can order a sauce to put on it, I got peanut sauce,
then you put the different things in at different times and cook them right
there. It's kind of like fondu
but with water. It was amazingggggg! I got all
veggies except for some dumplings and it was so tasty and fun! I wish I hadn't
have had such a bad headache, though, that made me feel super nauseous, but
after the food kicked in and we were walking around a bit I felt better. I am
trying to drink enough water but it is hard so that might also be why I feel
kind of funny. So anyways, Pavel met us there and we ran into some people from
Kazakstan so he was blabbing on in Russian to them which was entertaining. We then proceeded to show Pavel every corner of the silk market, I helped him
bargain, and of course we made a few enemies out of the shop keepers because of
my low-balling, but we also made a few friends! It's one hallway everyone knows
my name now and shouts it out whenever I walk by; it's super entertaining. I
really really really want this bag that has a map of the world on it, but can't
justify paying more than 80RMB for it, and no one is coming below 250, so I
think I might have to live without it. Probably better I did anyways, seeing as
how tight my budget is anyways. I noting even need it, I just really like it.
First world problems right there. Anyways, we browsed around a bit and actually
had a really good time, laughing like idiots and Pavel pretending to be German
and not able to speak English. The reason that all those shopkeepers now know
my name is Pavel wanted to buy a bag and apparently I am now the designated
bargainer so he was calling to me,
and then before I knew it about fifteen people were calling to me, it was quite confusing until I figured out what was going
on! From then on out every time they caught a glimpse of me it was like a
ripple effect, everyone shouting my name and laughing. Quite the experience.
After we had our fill of shopping (I showed incredible self restraint, I didn't
buy one thing!) we headed back towards our hotels, only stopping to take a few
panoramics of the skyline.![]() |
Sparrows |
we all came back to my room because Sophie had left some things in there and we
bid each other adieu. I went over to the bathroom and clicked the light switch,
because I was about to pee my pants and needed to go ASAP, and BAM, the power
went out. Literally pitch black. Luckily my hone was on the bed just a few feet
away so I grabbed it and turned the flashlight on, opened the door, and
tried to turn the lights on. I seemed, though, that a fuse had blown or
something so I headed down to reception to get some help. The guy there didn't
speak English and he thought that my card wasn't working, so he reprogrammed it
and I gave him the benefit of the doubt and headed back up to give it a try. F
course it didn't work and my power was still very much out, so I headed back
down again. After failing to communicate my problem with him I motioned for him
to just come with me and he obliged. We got to my room and then he definitely
understood what the problem was. He made a call to the electrician or someone
and he came and fixed it. The receptionist left and I went to turn the bathroom
list on so I could finally pee and BAM, out again. So I called down to the
front desk this time and luckily the girl spoke a bit of English and told me
that they would give me a new room. Thank goodness I hadn't unpacked because a
moment later the same guy came up to help me move my stuff and it only took me
three trips to get everything to my now room a couple doors over. I'm not
complaining at all because this room is way bigger, with a queen bed and
everything! Living the dream. But yes, so I reorganized again, because
I leave in a couple days and I don't want to be rushing to repack, used the
WiFi in the lobby for a bit, and now I'm just vegging in front of "Channel
V," which is the music video channel here. I'm up pretty early tomorrow to
head to the forbidden city and I am just crossing my fingers that the rain
holds out until the afternoon! We will see though!
Today, my life is just Shelby.
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