Sunday, August 26, 2012

Taking Off

Dancing with the Suitcase
Well it’s official, I’m THE WORST procrastinator on the planet, maybe in the entire universe. So I didn’t even start packing for my semester-long trip until the morning before I left, and of course I only got about a third of everything packed… actually, I didn’t even pack, the lovely Sarah Denslow packed literally my entire bag for me. So technically I didn’t even start packing until the morning I left… and I didn’t finish until two hours AFTER we were supposed to leave. And I lost my study abroad packet. Great way to start off the trip ;)
One of Four Suitcases

I have spent the last week stuffing my face with every favorite food I could think of, and tonight was no exception. I sit here, full to the brim of buffalo chicken sandwich and reminisce about the abundance of food I have consumed; it’s actually disgusting and I’m pretty sure I’ve gained at least five pounds, maybe ten. Regardless, I’m sure my last morning in the US will be no different, with a probable run to Dunkin Donuts for my last iced coffee until next Spring (rumor has it pumpkin iced coffee is out (*cough cough Priscilla Dimitre mentioned it to me and now I really want one cough cough*).

All Packed Up and Ready to Go!
So after dancing around suitcases with Sarah, making last minute runs to get toilet paper to cram in what little space was left in my bag, hanging out with Zach, my sisters, my doggie, my parents, my wireless internet, my running and clean tap water, and last minute goodbyes to the kiddos we FINALLY hit the road to Mass to stay with the grandparents. In my opinion, it is a lovely way to spend one’s last night in America.

*Note: I don’t have internet at the grandparent’s house, so this is going to be a two part blog post. Consider this the end of Part 1 aka The Night Before I Fly Out.

Essentials in My Carry On
SO Apparently there are going to be three parts to this post becauseeeeee I FORGOT MY COMPUTER CHARGER. Yup, I would. In my sleepy daze to leave my grandparent’s house this morning I pulled my charger out of the wall but apparently didn’t see the little plugie thing stay in the wall. UGGGGGGG!!!! This would happen to me. Well, I walked around the airport to try to find one to buy and OF COURSE they don’t sell any Apple products here, so I bought some Skype minutes to call my mom who is going to send my plug and hopefully it will get there in a timely fashion. Boo. Anyways, everything is uneventful thus far. I asked a girl behind me in the customs line if she was studying abroad, hoping that she was in my program, but she was actually from Europe heading home from a summer in New Jersey. She was nice but now I sit here all on my own, no internet, and no way to charge my poor little computer. I suppose I should ready up on my program, since I failed to do so before I left. Guess I shouldn’t go in too blind. Next stop: Hong Kong!

----IN HONG KONG!!!------

The North Pole
Arrived safely in Hong Kong after THE longest flight ever. 16 hours was brutal. So we finally landed in Hong Kong and I met up with Katie, one of my roommates, thank goodness. Oh, and we flew over the North Pole which was awesome. We went exploring
The Menu in the Hong Kong Airport
and while Katie got coffee I headed to get some grub. I found this cool menu (above) that caught my eye and ordered a delicious noodle dish and a bottle of water. After spending some time chatting about what to expect (thank goodness I'm not the only one who has no idea what's going on!! Anyways, I'm about to get on the flight to India, I guess I'll post again when I finally get there!!

Today, my life is just Shelby.

1 comment:

  1. Shelby, I'm so excited for you! Good luck! Can't wait to read future posts! <3
